Senin, 03 September 2012

Why Eco-Chic Brides Love Burlap

Just because it's slightly rough and ready, doesn't make burlap any less chic. In fact, it's its naive rusticity that makes it this season's fabric of choice for eco-chic weddings. Made from vegetable fibres, it's often used to make sacks to transport coffee beans, and it's these bags that are super-easy to recyle into gorgeous accessories and favours. Perfect for a couple keen to be green on their big day.

Product Credits {from top left} - 1. My Adobe Cottage, 2: Lilmissi, 3: The French Nest Co, 4: Ginie Lee, {from bottom left}, 1: Lilmissi, 2: My Adobe Cottage, 3: Funky Shique

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